Cheaper and more profitable than mining BTC in your garage!

Who we are?

SmartCryptoMine is a cloud mining service with 500,000 Th of cloud BTC mining power available for purchase.

With backup ISP and power connections we offer 99% uptime.

Daily BTC withdrawal
Lowest market cloud mining power purchase price
Best in market power/maintenance/operating costs
Why SmartCryptoMine?
Bitcoin (BTC) mining will last until 2140. To earn BIG, start building your Bitcoin cloud mining empire now!
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How much money do I need to start Bitcoin cloud mining?

With SmartCryptoMine, you can get 70% to 100% ROI annually. Do not forget the cloud bitcoin-mining power you buy will earn you money for 5-7 years.

How profitable is BTC cloud mining with SmartCryptoMine?

As we've mentioned above - you can get up to 100% ROI in your first year of mining. But also remember that the equipment you buy will work for you for years and make you money for years.

© 2020-2025, SmartCryptoMine LLC.-Fz. (U.A.E)