1. What services do you offer?
SmartCryptoMine LLC.-FZ. offers a Bitcoin (BTC) mining computing power rental service. This service includes the perpetual use of equipment (until it becomes economically unviable) and daily BTC payouts, net of electricity and maintenance costs. For example, buying 1 TH of cloud mining power with an energy efficiency of 22.5 W/TH gives you a share of the computing power of a real miner with the same characteristics and the BTC profit it mines daily.

2. What determines the amount of BTC mined?
The daily BTC income depends on the amount of computing power you have purchased (measured in Terahashes, TH) and its energy efficiency (measured in W/TH). The more TH you have, the greater your daily BTC reward. A lower W/TH rating means lower electricity costs (e.g. a 15 W/TH unit uses 33.3% less energy than a 22.5 W/TH unit with the same TH rating).

3. What are the costs after the purchase?
There are none. All electricity and maintenance costs are automatically deducted from your daily BTC mining income. Importantly, as the BTC price rises, the proportion of electricity costs will decrease and your dollar income will increase. Therefore, your potential profit can significantly exceed the initial calculation due to the increase in the Bitcoin price.

4. How do I start mining?
Buy cloud power (from 1 TH with any energy efficiency).

5. How do I buy power?
Currently you can pay with cryptocurrency (BTC, TON or USDT). Other payment methods may appear later.

6. What is the timeframe for mining income?
With regular maintenance, the income is potentially unlimited. The typical payback period for the equipment is 1-1.5 years, after which you receive net income. The projected period during which you will receive daily income is approximately 5 years for equipment with 22.5 W/TH energy efficiency and approximately 7 years for equipment with 15 W/TH energy efficiency. The difference is due to the gradual increase in mining difficulty, which reduces BTC revenue. However, the increase in the BTC price may compensate for this decrease.You will receive net BTC income as long as your purchased electricity generates more BTCs than you spend on electricity and maintenance. We offer some of the lowest power tariffs on the market (from $0.61/1TH per month, depending on energy efficiency) due to our own power generation facilities.

7. What guarantees do you offer?
We have been involved in mining since 2019. In 2023, the company built its own data centers and power generation facilities, continuing to invest in their expansion. An investment plan for the next 10 years has been developed. Bitcoin (BTC) mining will continue until 2140. And although blockchain and related technologies are beyond our and your control, SmartCryptoMine LLC.-Fz. will use all reasonable efforts to fulfill its obligations, unless prohibited by law. Our interest in your long-term income is long-term, as increasing mining capacity allows us to reduce costs (electricity and maintenance) and increase the overall profitability of the business.

8. Where are your facilities located?
Our data centres and power generation facilities are located in Eastern Europe and Asia. All facilities are owned by SmartCryptoMine LLC.-Fz. and operated in accordance with local laws.

9. How and who should pay taxes on my income?
SmartCryptoMine LLC is not a tax agent. We provide you with a service that results in you receiving income in cryptocurrency (BTC). You are responsible for paying taxes and reporting the income you receive. In most jurisdictions, the tax base arises at the moment the mined cryptocurrency (BTC) is exchanged for fiat money (dollars, euros, pounds, etc.).
Bitcoin (BTC) mining will last until 2140. To earn BIG, start building your Bitcoin cloud mining empire now!
© 2020-2025, SmartCryptoMine LLC.-Fz. (U.A.E)